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Global Trade Certificate Program

Global Trade Certificate Program

The Global Trade Certificate Program was launched by IWFCI International Chair, Diana Abruzzi. The program is a collaborative initiative between IWFCI GLOBAL, IWFCI INDIA and the PILLAI INSTITUTE. The Economic Cooperation and Trade Treaty was signed between the governments of Australia and India which will give a boost to the economies of both countries. All the processes and procedures of International Trade are covered in this program.

Dr. R. Chandran, expert on International Trade is the Director of the program. The subjects include:
Module 1: The scope and trends of International Trade
Module 2: Export Marketing
Module 3:Export Finance, Banking and Exchange Management
Module 4: Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures
Module 5: Logistics and Shipping in exports
Resource persons are from India and Australia.

Diana Abruzzi in her address said that

“Trade is the most important life line for economic survival of any nation. No country can survive without it, because no country can dig up or produce ALL the resources and goods necessary for our standards of living.

And as you learn these new skills and acquire new knowledge you will be opening yourself TO uncovering passions for things you may not have ever expected, or new interests you are not yet aware of.

In this way – upgrading your skills is so much more beneficial for more than career development; it can also help YOU develop generally as a person.”

Dr. Daphne PIllai, President, IWFCI India National Chapter said that “foreign trade has become an integral part of any business unit, unlike in the past when business was restricted to one’s home country. Today, whether they are big or small, all businesses wish to earn foreign exchange by expanding their businesses to other countries and continents.

Today trade is driven mainly by technology, specially digital technology. Technology rules today in exploring new business avenues. Hence it has become easy to communicate with customers worldwide, promote your brand and set up outlets anywhere in a short span of time.

The youth of today think fast, operate quickly and optimise business opportunities. Keeping all these developments in mind, Pillai Group of Institutions in collaboration with IWFCI Global and IWFCI India has designed this high-quality business oriented certification program. On completion of this program the trainees will develop the required skills, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in their ventures.”

Dr. R. Chandran said that “Expanding business across the world” is the prime objective of companies, whether big or small. The opportunities are in abundance when any one crosses the border of his home country. To succeed, in the overseas business the individual embarks on certain specific knowledge, skill sets and a systematic plan. Entrepreneurs across the world develop such a vision, face challenges and focus on their ultimate target to achieve business success in multi-continents.

Keeping this in view the unique “Certificate Course in Global Trade” has been designed as a value added premium program to graduate students for 30 hours duration. The modules such as, Global Trade Environment, International Marketing, Trade Finance and Banking, Logistics and Shipping and Foreign Trade Policies would surely strengthen the participants on the concepts and practice.

On completion of this program all the students will have a strong foundation for future careers either in profession or on global business operations.”

Dr. Gajanan Wader, Prof. Deepika Sharma and Dr. Kiran Deshmukh will be implementing and overseeing the program.

IWFCI India in partnership with IWFCI Global and Pillai Institute are launching the Global Trade Certificate Program on 21st November, 2022. It has a 30 hour schedule and will cover all business processes related to Global Trade. This is an offshoot of the recently signed Economic Co-operation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) treaty between the governments of India and Australia which will provide immense benefits to the economies of both countries. It is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to upskill and scale up globally.

Welcome to IWFCI Global

The International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is a non-profit, non-government organization that was formed in 1992 by the founder Ms Diana Abruzzi in Melbourne Australia. read more…

Dr. Daphne Pillai, President