Third Virtual Fireside Chat on “Sectors Leading Change in the Covid Era”
The third Virtual Fireside Chat on “Sectors Leading Change in the Covid Era” was organised on Saturday, 18th July 2020. The objective of the chat was to understand current perspectives on some of the sectors that are expected to lead the way forward to save lives, safeguard livelihoods and restore normalcy. It was a platform to share best practices and innovative strategies to bolster economic growth. The panel lists were Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai, Founder & CEO, Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai Group of Institutions from the education sector, Dr. Deepak Hegde, Chief Technology Officer- EOC Pharma, Shanghai, China from the pharmaceuticals sector and Dr. Bala Bharadwaj, Managing Director – Boeing India Engineering & Technology Center, India from the aeronautical sector. The session was moderated by Ms. Annie Kumar- Director, IWFCI India National Chapter.
You can watch the event on YouTube link: iwfci india